Virus Definitions

For the past week I’ve had to manually update. I have it set to automatic update so why isn’t it working?

Maybe you’re too much in a hurry. My latest VPS shows the same as yours but I’m not
going to force the update. I’ll wait and see if it happens on it’s own. :slight_smile:

I had to do a 2nd manual update yesterday and another one a few minutes ago. It won’t update automatically like it’s supposed to.

Why not just leave it alone, the streaming updates will be the most current and VPS updates only overwrite what you have already received via streaming.

Technically speaking the VPS updates are probably no longer necessary to a point.

As Bob suggests, some patience to see when it does update, the more you check the less chance you have of finding out if it is working correctly or not.

Updates are released if you had recently done a manual update check then there would be a delay before it checks again.

Don’t forget that you have the streaming updates and if these are working the VPS auto update is depreciated.

Still not updating automatically.

Similar topic that was asked in a different section

My VPS version is 151229-2 and my streaming update is still working. Last streaming update I have received is at 30/12/2015 @ 10:45:45am (NZT)

The problem should be fixed:

I still have to manually install the virus definitions and I haven’t been getting many streaming updates either. I’ve received only 3 during the past 24 hours.

You’re blocking something ???

I got 182 Updates in the last 24 hours :slight_smile:


I’m not blocking anything. I’ve received 277 streaming updates in the last 24 hours.

The post I replied to said you had received 3 ??? Now it’s 277. ???
What’s the problem ???

That was yesterday. This is what it’s showing right now.

I did receive only 3 yesterday. When I checked earlier this morning it showed 277 but I’ve received more since I posted.

Good, so you no longer have a problem.

I haven’t received any virus definition updates since August 25. The latest one is 160829-1. I’ve tried to update manually but it shows already up to date.

Have you tried an avast repair yet ?

  • this has frequently resolved out of sync data on what is displayed and what you actually have.

I’ll do a repair now and manually check Virus Definitions.

You shouldn’t need to manually check Virus Definitions, if the repair does its stuff, reboot. Then you should see what VPS you already have should be correct.

I done a repair but it’s still showing…

I rebooted twice.