Like 10 minutes ago I was visiting my favorite web sites…Then avast was updated his virus definitions…When I tried to open some new site (facebook and some web sites located in my country) avast gives me a warning about a threat that was located on the website :
So could u please somehow fix this? Thank you
BTW if u need that threat report here is a pic:
I have the same problem.
I signed up for the Avast Board just to post here and say that it happened to me, too!
I have the same problem.
Avast version 5.1.889.
Virus definition 110411-1
I can confirm that! After update to definition 110411-1 i can’t open several websites, even the user interface of my Fritz! Box (internet modem).
Same problem!
avast! version: 6.0.1000
Virus definition: 110411-1
Please address this issue!
avast! version: 6.0.1000
Virus definition: 110411-1
Same problem!
Cant open a lot of websites, my yahoo mail, facebook and a lot more FIX this quick, PLEASE!!!
avast! version: 6.0.1000
Virus definition: 110411-1
This virus definition update is clearly causing major problems. After this last update almost all websites I visit reports some “HTML:Script-Inf” infection. It’s clearly a false positive since I get it everywhere now.
I did a search on Twitter and there are hundreds of people reporting the exact same problem. I can’t even update my avast definitions, that gives an error too.
I hope Avast pushes out a new definition update very soon because thousands of people around the world will wrongly think their computers are infected.
It’s frustrating that there is no communication from Avast on this, nothing on their twitter account, no press release or forum advice. Incidentally, I had to disable the web shield just to visit this forum…
Avast, please fix soon!
update avast, it has been fixed(at least for me)
Yes, please update to 110411-2 This should fix the problems
Same problem here…in California. 6.0.1000
I have this virus def version 110411-2 but I can’t visit any websites. I have turned off AVAST completely and still can’t surf properly.
Now I have a pop-up saying it can’t update… HTTP error (403)!
Hi, I just had major problems myself. My messages were HTML;Script-inf also Java:Agent-DR {exp) and HTML:IFrame-inf. I ran Malaware scan and it founds numerous infected areas then I ran my scan on Avast and also found numerous infected areas. So then I had to run a boot-scan and deleted everything that was infected. I hope after all of this my computer is fine now? Please someone get back to me on this?
Thank You,
I was appalled, could not access the facebook, but after 5 minutes of the update problem, another update fixed the problem.
Thank you for the prompt response! This level of professionalism is exacty why I have been using Avast for several years and continue to encourage all friends and family to use Avast!
Great job! 8)
Here is VLK talking about the problem.
I not only have this error on half of the websites I visit, but when I did a boot scan it also found this “infection” on half of the HTML files stored on my system… including files authored by Microsoft. As far as I can tell, it’s pretty much reporting infection on any html that references a separate javascript file.
I tried scanning my own website to see if it reported infections in files I’d written myself, but those it did manage to pass as clean.
I’m just a user like yourself, and now that I can get on the forum, I can post
Welcome to the forum
OK, I’m going to chime in on what solved this issue with me. I have Avast Internet Security on my business computers. All computers were down. I attempted update of definitions, but Avast told me I had the most recent definitions. I spent 2 hours scanning the computer, which “detected” 4,677 “infected” files, which were ALL html files. Being a web designer, of course I have HTML files, but when Avast told me that html files for Quickbooks and Adobe CS4 were infected, I was HIGHLY suspicious. I was almost ready to install another internet security suite, but decided to update the software. Updating the software from Avast 5 to Avast 6 resolved the issue.
If updating the definitions doesn’t resolved the issue, open the Avast control panel, go to Maintenance, and update the Program. You will likely be asked to reboot your computer (it did for me). You should be updated to version 6, and should be able to access all websites again.
Apparently, there was some glitch in the recent Avast upgrade that blocks html pages, which is, of course, pretty much every web site on the internet.