virus deletes all avast exe files

virus deletes all avast exe files!

after installation a virus deletes ashavast.exe and ashdisp.exe and more exe files.

When I look into the C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4 directory I actually
see it happening 1 second after installation.

I’ve tried: hitman pro, Live AOSS (from boot cd), ewido. nothing helps

any suggestions?

You may want to follow this thread

i have same problem… and i also can not safe boot.

i tried almoast everything

Did you try to connect this HDD in another computer and run a full scan from there?

i cannot safeboot also.

You’ll need to browse a little here in forums as recently other threads relate that virus/rootkits are doing this behavior: deleting exe files.
Some users could manage it with antirootkit tools. Check
Specially, Panda and F-Secure ones.

ok thanks.
I have the bagle virus.

it’s in c:\windows\system32

wintems.exe is the one.

it’s hard to remove. keeps coming back.

Have you tried removing it with Bart?
Perhaps a tool could help you.
Can you boot with the command prompt ?

S*it… a very bad one…
Did you try booting in Safe Mode and running F-Secure?
Did you try any other on-line scanning?
Do you have another computer to plug this HDD and scan it from there?