Virus Detected But Not By Avast.....


I recently ran Avast Home V4.1 up to date scanners and it did not detect viruses whereas I ran the Symantec Online Security Check and it told me I have these viruses:-

C:\WINDOWS\system32\svcinfo.exe is infected with Trojan Horse
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe is infected with Trojan Horse
C:\Documents and Settings\Rick Press\My Documents\My Received Files\i like it doggy style.scr is infected with MSN.Flooder

Trend Micro Scanner didnt pick up any viruses either like Avast cany anyone tell me what this means?


It means that avast, just like any other av proggy, doesn’t pick up everything and that it’s good practice to scan every once in awhile with something else as well (as long as you’re not running two or more at the same time :P).

And the less said about the “I like it doggy style” :o screen saver, probably the better… :-X ;D