Avast! detected a virus in kernell.dll file in my computer.
I followed the instructions from avast! wizard and tried to put this file into quarantine.
It immediately restarted my computer even before the quaratine operation could be performed.
From then it only restarted the computer (without stopping) and could not even run the OS (Windows XP). The only information message I got now is (during 5 seconds before it restarts again) “kernell.dll could not be located” or something like this, I don’t even have time enough to read this message.
Is there anything possible apart from fromating the disk?
I tried to start the computer from the latest knowm safe point but it couldn t run windows again.
I have no knowledge in other start modes and can’t find any similar cases on the internet.
I just checked if I could start in safe mode but I can’t. It is just restarting again and again.
Indeed the message that appears before restarting is not about kernell.dll but “kernell32.dll is not found” and I don’t have enough time to read the end of the message.
Boot to the recovery console using the XP cd.
Then copy kernell32.dll from the i386 folder to the system32 folder.
Try to boot normally after doing so.
Should this not be kernel32.dll not kernell32.dll? if so then see below.
Eddy, what about using the copy of kernel32.dll stored in the System files section of the Virus chest and restoring that?
Surely this is a better option (and why there is a copy in the virus chest) than using the one from an old XP cd if there have been updates that have changed kernel32.dll?