My avast scanner popped up with a message that said I have a virus: VBS:redlof
However, none of the function buttons allow me to delete, repair, remove or otherwise get rid of it? HELP!!!
Where is the virus located on your computer…
What did Avast give as the path?
Sometimes Avast will not be able to “access” the file since it may be protected by the System Restore or if the infected file has woven itself into a sytem file directory.
Some additional info on the vbs redlof:
HTML.Redlof.A is a polymorphic, encrypted, Visual Basic script virus which infects .html, .htm, .asp, .php, .jsp, and .vbs files on all drives. Depending on the location of the Windows System folder, the virus copies itself to either %windir%\System\Kernel.dll or %windir%\System\Kernel32.dll. It changes the default association for .dll files.
The virus makes some nasty changes to your registry that will need to be corrected.
Symantec puts out a nice set of instructions that you can access by going to their site and doing a search for vbs redlof virus.
Have patience. You can fix it in time.
I have the same problem and did all the things that symantec reports
but the darm thing still there…
It´s only one file but i can´t delete, remove, rename nothing…
Any solution???
Tx for your time
Please supply more info, e.g.:
Where is the virus located on your computer... What did Avast give as the path?
this is the path of the file and the file it self C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Os meus documentos\ANTIVIRUS\outro\sysclean.exe
i alredy put the file in exclusion but it stil say VBS:Redlof
i walredy tried the symantec solution and others but no good
Dont know what to do??
Is something missing me??
Acoording to google, it could either be a false alarm in TrendMicro’s VirusCleaner, or a backdoor/trojan; but then avast wouldn’t say REDLOF, right ?
So, most probably a false alarm:
Do/did you ever have(use) PcCillin or TrendMicros Onlinescan HouseCall ?
if Trendmicro/pccillin is not installed/active an the PC:
boot the PC in SafeMode or DOS, and then move the file to a new, empty folder…
scan it there ONLINE with Trend & KAV (see below) pause avast Shield for this
if the 2 above don’t detect anything in it, then it’s a false positive: please send it in to , best in a password-protected ZIP- or RAR-archive.
Include problem description and link to this topic + ZIP-password in the mailtext