Hi all, I have a question about a possible? virus :frowning: that avast found on my computer last night. It was found in C:/Windows/system32/config/RegBack/SOFTWARE.OLD; and the resultā€¦Infection Win 32:Adload.
Now today after downloading the newest definitions I scanned that particular file I quarantined in the virus chest and from what I can gather it says ā€œNo Virusā€ which is in the column beside transfer time. So was this a false positive, did I scan the said ā€œvirusā€ correctly? Can I now delete that particular fileā€¦or should I restore it? My computer seems to be running OKā€¦so I think that probably was a ā€œfalse positiveā€ā€¦at least I hope :-\ I should also mention I am running Vista Home Premium with SP1 installed.

It seems to be a legitimate Vista file. With the .old extension, it wonā€™t be anything critical, but you should restore it just to be on the safe side.

Thank You for your responseā€¦After reading your answer I went and scanned it again just to make sure and it still says ā€œno virusā€ so I clicked ā€œrestoreā€ I think it restored but shouldnā€™t it be removed from the chest if the action was completed correctly? as it still sits in the virus chest. ???

There is a copy retained in the chest, just in case, when you confirm it is back in the original location and everything is working, etc. then you can delete it.

Once again thanks for your quick reply :slight_smile: it is greatly appreciated

No problem, welcome to the forums.