virus detection in \Temp\_avast5_\ump...

Each time that i run a full scan of my system with avast,my other anti viruses;bit defender alerts me that it detects multiple threats coming from the same main directory: C:\WINDOWS\Temp_avast5_. Following,the list of the threats always detected & stopped during my weekly avast full system scan : C:\WINDOWS\Temp_avast5_\ump.3450847.tmp : Application.Generic.23349
\ump.37936041.tmp : Virtool.22032
\ump.96697936.tmp : Gen:Trojan.Heur.GM.0004008C08
\ump.202682551.tmp : Application.Generic.23349
\ump.207882656.tmp : Virtool.22032 :stuck_out_tongue:
But when i run a scan of this particuliar file, it detects nothing.Did bit def extrapolates detecting files non infected or were they real menaces?Why does it only happens when i run an avast scan & what can i do to stop it from happening?Or should i contact Bit Defender for this kind of problem? I ask you to excuse me for my lame english, i tried to make it understandable. Thank you in advance for your help, jeansebastien F (13ans drogué,prostitué) ;D ( for any direct reply)

You should uninstall one of the antiviruses - because what you see is a conflict of two resident antiviruses.

avast is not my resident antivirus (resident protection stopped) but i noticed that it sometimes detects threats that the other doesn’t and inversely. I installed avast first but my mother bought bit def for her computer and it had a license for more than a computer and i took it for mine and kept avast as a “second look” virus search (but without resident protection activated wich is provided by bit defender).

Well, it still is a conflict of two antiviruses; Bitdefender interferes with avast! temporary files created during the scan.
You should at least set an exclusion in Bitdefender - so that it doesn’t scan files in Temp_avast5_ folder.
As for whether the detections are valid or not… it’s not possible to say. These temporary files are done during archive unpacking - and they often are kind of “dumps”… so they may trigger some heuristic detections if Bitdefender considers them as ordinary files.

Btw, stopping the resident shileds may certainly not be enough to prevent “hard” conflicts; if both drivers are still installed in the system, you may occasionally get system freezes, bluescreens, etc.