virus found how to scan?

I have one infected file in my chest and I don’t know how to get rid of it. I run the scan and this is what I get . Is it gone or do I have to do something else?

Scanning of selected files

Program will try to scan 1 selected file(s) in the Chest

Move files to temporary folder: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\aswE151.TMP
FileID: 0000000004 Original file name: c:\WINDOWS\backup\TB040324.DAT New folder: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\aswE151.TMP\4.DAT

Scan files in the temporary folder: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\aswE151.TMP
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\aswE151.TMP\4.DAT Win32:Badtrans

Action was completed successfully!


if it’s ONLY found in the chest, then just delete it via Mainprogram → chest button(=the skull) or via the menue (click upper left corner of avast main window). Be sure to delete only files in the “virus” section, not the saved system files

if a full scan with avast shows it somewhere else:
Info & removal for “Badtrans” → ClickMe
