Virus Found... What do I do?

Virus Name: Win32:Trojan-gen. {UPX!}
File Name: C:\MDOS.EXE\gamma.exe
VPS version: 0425-1, 06/17/2004

I was going to delete this file, but I wasn’t sure if that was a smart idea. Typically I would choose “repai” but because this is the first time I ran avast, it cannot repair the file…

Please walk me through the process. Thanks :frowning:

Crap here is another one:

Win32:Hidewnd [Trj]
0425-1, 06/17/2004

And another:
0425-1, 06/17/2004

First, don’t delete them “yet”… Read your PMs on this board.

Second, verify they are malicious here:

and here:

and maybe at the new F-Secure scanner here:

Depending on the results, you could slap them in your chest within avast, and send off samples to Avast for investigation.


I am having the same problem , did you get an answer?

:frowning: :frowning: And Another…

Win32:Trojan-gen. {VC}

:frowning: :o And Another…

Win32:Trojan-gen. {UPX!}

Oh Frizzlenut… >:( ANOTHER!!!

Win32:Trojan-gen. {Other}

Turns out my computer is sick and needs serious help.
Please Please help.

Check your PM’s… ;D

I suspect that submitting this information might have fucked me, because my computer hasn’t ran well since… Even though I had viruses, the net was working fine until I posted these questions…

Is this possible or am I just paranoid?

just paranoid :wink: