I want to ask, whether there is to know about type virus hashes?
I’ve read virus hashes almost like ransomware, so the virus is encrypted file
using md5,sha1, dan sha256.
Whether avast antivirus can detect virus hashes?
I believe avast antivirus is one of the best to face ransomware is currently underway.
but one of our customers who use avast ask me about avast, whether antivirus avast can handle virus hashes.
If friends forum avast have already tried scan virus hashes please tell me.
Files have a unique # hash, viruses (virus is probably the wrong word as malware is much more common) don’t specifically have a # hash as it is generally contained within a file. Change the file the # changes but the malware inside may not.
Avast like many other AVs detects malware by ‘its malware signature’ this isn’t the same as a # hash as such but can uniquely identify a virus/malware. The trick is to get that signature/definition as small as possible to make scanning quicker, but retain accuracy of detection.
Avast, as mentioned also uses a file rep check which is reputation based, it checks a ‘files’ # hash against a cloud database if that isn’t found, then it come in for more detailed inspection.