Virus and other similar malware AVAST do not recognize!

AVAST did not recognize, if malware such as hxxp:// is at computer, this bad malware do modification of browsers and add programs to program files and is very hard to uninstall and delete this malware, WHY AVAST did not recognize it, i do not know which program at internet it does but I have suspicion on firefox plugin or other normal program… NOT GOOD NEWS what AVAST did not recognize it! Can you anybody explain it? Other manipulation this virus did program: uvconverter.exe a service “Convxxxx” and others…

No tool detects everything.
One possible cause on why avast didn’t caught is can be that you have PUP detection disabled.

For help with removal, follow the instructions >

Hardcore Pr0n is often a place where malvertisers think they can have an easy place to hide on some webserver.
Who’s gonna report them anyways when in such an environment?

IP reported: Listed in DNSBL in DNSBL
2100 A
tuxad -dunk.dnsbl
Site you mention shares same IP with that one you mention = (CloudFlare)
This smells of CloudFlare abuse.


Hi bob3160,

Good instructional picture ;), we should always and under all circumstances keep al the avast vizors and shields up!
The web will least bite those that know how to protect best and use the grey cells above their eyebrows…


P.S. Initial poster should break that live link as hxtp:// etc. I reported it :wink: