Virus in Facebook

Hi All,

Does anybody know about virus which spread at Facebook and will destruct your zero boot from HardDisk.

How this virus will infect your HDD boot?

  1. Virus will spread thru Facebook mail with subject: Une Carte Pour Vous or A Card For You
  2. When victim open their email at Facebook, and then the victim’s PC/Notebook will freeze and then victim need to restart his PC/Notebook. If victim press CTRL + ALT + DEL then the virus will permanently destruct the victim’s HDD
  3. The sender acknowledge as pti_bout_de_ chou@hotmail. com

And this news has been reported with CNN, McAfee and Microsoft it self.
Maybe anybody in here know about this issues?

Yanto Chiang

Dont’ click on adverts

But here is the dirty little secret of browser security: Even if every Internet browser made today were completely bug-free, it wouldn’t stop malicious hackers and malware. Why? Because the vast majority of successful malicious exploits today don’t exploit buggy browsers, but rather unwitting end-users. That is, Web-based malware is successful because end-users are intentionally installing it! Most exploit code doesn’t search for an unpatched vulnerability, but simply asks the user to install. - Roger Grimes, Infoworld

ALERT: Malvertizing on Facebook and

Hi Kenny,

So this variant not infected by letter from someone, but it is more like advertising site and when victim clicked on the link. User will re-direct to other site and got exploited by hacker rite?

Hm still don’t know how to diasable all these applications!
Hackers may mostly attack business people in facebook meaning people over 18 and not children.
Who are interested to hack a child pc?

A child’s PC would be a perfect target as a child is less likely to recognize the problems of a compromised PC … the near perfect component of a bot net.

But me I am not easy to hack hehe!
But most of the time I break my pc myself…


Either child or adult PC, both of them very valuable for hackers.
For child’s PC, hackers could make them become zombie to spread to others PC/Notebook through network.
For adult PC, hackers could gain the very sensitive or private information to earn money and make the victim become zombie too.

So beware of attackers…


Rule no. 1
When dealing with messages whether they are in email on on Facebook from somone you don’t recognise:
Never open it just delete it.

@shiw liang
I do not know if Facebook is limited to those 18 or older.
I will not give you my Facebook ID.

Hi Shiwliang,

This method has been implemented quite for a long time, the example is like recently trend which conficker which trying to reach other vulnerability user through network or removable disk with create Recycle folder. And you can search for Spammer did to spread into the victim mailbox too.

@ Kenny

Thanks for your advice,
Sure i wouldn’t open if received any email from unrecognized user.

Facebook had never been safe but does the wot rating will help us?

WOT is one way but it is heavily subjective.

I chose Browser Defender™ by ThreatExpert because it works on XP and Windows 7:

Does it work in Mozilla firefox?
The result yes

Are you asking if it works in Firefox?

There is Firefox version available:

Hi All,

Thanks for the sharing, but in terms to avoid from hackers we should more preventive and carefully in access or surfing.

Yanto Chiang

Yokenny how come u don’t recomend Finjan secure browsering.


I could not get it to work on Windows 7 but that was a while ago:

Not yet but I will in a few days when my pension come in.

shiw liang, please stay on topic, and also please refrain from trivial posts – this is not a general chat room, it’s an antivirus forum.

okay I understand it!But are there no solution to delete post we have posted?

no we just need to learn from our mistake not denies them ???
/off topic post

any ways Face Book Trojan > Face book Virus
In dangerous rate. you can Re-log in to face book if your computer is ruined by entering another computer