Hello Polonus,
I’ve been looking into the Java control panel settings, and to be honest, I can’t make much sense of them. The tag support box is ticked for IE but not for Firefox, and I can’t change the setting for Firefox. (In common with other people on the web.)
However, Java applets called by both the and tag seem to run fine in Firefox. I did come across some Java applications that ran in IE but not in Firefox, but my knowledge of Java is not enough to understand why this might be.
I also saw a reference to improved support for Firefox in Sun JRE 6.0. As this doesn’t seem to be a security issue, and most sites seem to work fine with the default settings, I’m not going to worry about them.
What does worry me is that automatic and manual update from the Java control panel didn’t tell me there was a new version available. (1.5.0_03)
As to beer, every town here has (or used to have) its own brewery- In my town we used to have four- and every beer is different. Some beers have no head and some have a thick, creamy head. The most popular beer in my town has such a large head that they make the glasses an extra inch tall just for the head!
A pint, by the way, is always a pint!
1: a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 gills or 568.26 cubic centimeters
Regretably, we also drink a lot of ‘Europiss’ lagers, and this is killing local breweries. The term refers to lagers with European names but usually brewed here in the UK, and which all taste the same: nothing like an excellent European larger.
One of my favourites, like avast!, is a Czech product. But sadly, unlike avast! it’s not free, and I usually pick up a ten pack of Europiss cans rather than pay the same for four small bottles of Staropramen. But when I go out, it has to be an English real ale, head or no head, but without the ploughman’s- I can’t stand Branston Pickle.