File name: C:\Documents and Settings\RON.MEONLY\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\GFTNEUNT\thnall1t[1].exe
VPS version: 0424-2, 06/09/2004
Avast lets me delete the file and in the results window is says the file has successfully been deleted. However when I restart my computer the same file appears again. If anyone can help me it would be much appreciated.
According to the filename, the file is in the Internet Explorer cache. Is it possible that the file is downloaded from some web page you use?
You may also try to empty IE cache, if it helps…
As Igor said, its likely this might be in one of your regularly visited sites, and just keeps re-implanting itself everytime you browse. However, can I make a suggestion? Download this product:
Yes, its called Crap Cleaner, but its a very nice little freeware program I install on all my machines. Set it up to clean your temp/caches and everything else on reboot automagically removing all of those locked file nonsense and whatnot, and forget about it. But most of all, you can simply “Run it”, clear your caches anytime you like. It even deletes those index.dat files windows makes that everyone hates so much.
Thank you everyone for the responces. After my first post I ran a second boot scan and Avast caught three versions of this virus. They were in the C: System and Information/_ restore file. It looks like Avast was able to delete them as they have not shown up again.