Virus not being detected

I found that a virus which was not detected by avast, many antivirus report it as virus on virustotal as well as jotti.
And its not a false positive because it tries to copy to my pendrive and creates an autorun.inf file and some exe files.

I put the virus in a 7zip compressed file with the password ‘virus’
I did not use zip file as Gmail doesn’t allow exe files in zip files.
Also I put the password in the email text.

But after 3 days (with latest updates) avast doesn’t detect the virus.
Also the virus reporting link on the website is not available.
Has avast disabled this method.

Here is the file
Should I send the email again??

Send the sample to zipped and password protected with the password in email body, a link to this topic might help and undetected malware in the subject.

Or you can also add the file to the User Files (File, Add) section of the avast chest (if it isn’t already there) where it can do no harm and send it from there. A copy of the file/s will remain in the original location, so you will need to take further action and can remove/rename that.

Send it from the User Files section of the chest (select the file, right click, email to Alwil Software). It will be uploaded (not actually emailed) to avast when the next avast auto (or manual) update is done.

Viruses submitted to avast! are placed at the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard’ where they can do no harm.

Those that aren’t sent, don’t even get that far.

So not sending them at means that they don’t even get the chance some brave sole ignores the sign on the door.

That’s hilarious, FF.
Unfortunately it is sometimes true.
First time I emailed a virus I was surprised to actually get a reply of thanks, and it was added to the definitions. Quickly.
Last time was over a month ago. Reported on this forum. At least two of us sent it. Still not detected. :frowning:

Im new using AVAST and I have this message everytime I use replay in PC. This the message: “Winnt3
Access violation at address 00404086 in module ‘winnt3.exe’. Read of address 6F6C7070”.

Can somebody help me… Please :slight_smile:


I can’t take credit for the hilarity.

It’s a Douglas Adams quote.


Juani Moreta ,
Please start a new topic in the “avast home/pro” or “general” forum stating the problem.
You should include your operating system, including service pack, how long this has been going on, and what other security software has been installed/is installed now.
I’d certainly suggest doing a check disk, for starters.

Please, do not let the avast 5 development reduce, in any case, the protection of avast 4.
Complains about lack of detection is getting more frequent…

To send the file via User Files section in Chest, should I make email settings like SMTP server etc or it will work directly

I think you don’t have to configure SMTP because the file is sent on next virus database update, i.e., after you update (automatically or manually), the file is sent to Alwil.

As my quoted text says it isn’t send by email so there is nothing to set-up.

hi guys please help me to this one…

I can’t update my avast!! the msg was not done yet on VRDB… what should i do?.. another problem is avast found rootkit.(Rootkit: hidden process).

ty. guys for fast reply

Virus has been included in the database

Good to hear. Thank you for your help.

Thanks for the update.

I hope FWF is monitoring the topic, I guess some brave sole opened the door at least once ;D

At least it didn’t take the nine months it took for Arthur Dent to find his plans.