Virus on the usb ports?

Each time I insert a usb pen, it signals a virus with the autorun.inf name. It happens with all the pens, but the strange thing is that it also happened in another computer with my pen. I allready tried to remove it, rename it or move to quarantine, I allready formated the pen, but it doesn´t work.
Also, a few days before, I installed the Stumble toolbar, and it started opening pages automatacly on my I.E. browser, I did a boot scan and nothing. I don´t know if this 2 situation can be related?
I´m using the freeware 4.8, and its updated!
Can you help me

you need to run “flash disinfector”, a free tool for the autorun.inf issue. or the Panda free utility:

I just got the same problem from a pen drive from school. The dam thing spreads to any pen drive inserted in the USB port. After going to safe mode and unhiding all files, I spotted an autorun.inf on the root dir. Viewing this file I believe it hides a file ryan.exe in the recycle bin of every drive including the C:. I believe there is some process running automatically that writes this autorun.inf (ryan.exe) file to the root and into the recycle bin because it is not normally visable, but I have not been able to figure this out yet. Since you had this problem 2 months ago, I assume you found the fix…so could you please post it.
thanks charlie

Let your USB drive plugged and run Autorun Eater or Flash Disinfector, allowing them to clean up all drives. They would create hidden folders named autorun.inf in each partition and every USB drive plugged in when you ran it. These folders protect your drives from future infection. After that, reboot your computer.

I tried the autorun eater concurrently with “cleanautorun” as suggested by Michael and I could see it trying to delete the autorun.inf file". However, the avast virus alert box still repeatedly pops up as soon as the autorun.inf file is deleted. I went to safe mode and tediously removed the autorun.inf file from the pen drive and my desktop but the moment I insert it, the file is immediately written back to the pen. Am I wrong about the running process on my desktop idea but what else can cause this. So, how can I find out what file or running process on my desktop that I need to remove to end this. Any help is really appreciated. BTW, who the heck is “ryan.exe” hiding in the recycle bin

lol^^Google is ur fwend^^
Found many results and maybe, just maybe it is…

A threat^^

hope this helps^^


Try this -

You could try reformat your USB on a computer known to be clean and fully protected. Try cybercafe or local library, something like that.

In the meantime, do cleanup of desktop again. - perhaps uninstall / reinstall latest version of Avast at step 3 or 4. Main thing, use your good sense to get a good general clean done.
Ryan.exe may need some special attention, but perhaps not. You have the link in the previous post.

Run desktop without USB and with Avast antivirus operational.

Then plug in and do disinfect of USB.

Here is directions for use Flash Disinfector;topicseen#msg363657

you can also try using CMD to delete it before opening the drive
delete autorun.inf /a

also (and a good solution to avoid autoruns forever thanks to FlashDesinfector) create a folder in the root of the drive named autorun.inf