virus or joke?..

real or joke?. I am a basic user, … Download this file .rar

(Screnshot Inborrable28_04_09_0), were allegedly images. Avast does

not detect it as malicious to scan.
So I try to unzip it … but it did not work … So they try to

remove it … I renamed the file (. Vir) then try to drag the Bauls (Screnshot Inborrable28_04_09_1) … also unsuccessful. Then try deleting it with File Wiper WinOptimizer 5 (Screnshot Inborrable28_04_09_2)

I try to take seriously anything that may be malware or a virus. Please help me on how I proceed correctly.

Screanshots (88.46kb) + Mları.vir (10.58MB):

You could also check the offending/suspect file at: VirusTotal - Multi engine on-line virus scanner and report the findings here the URL in the Address bar of the VT results page.

Your link doesn’t work as it is broken, it needs to be wrapped in URL tags, see code below.

