virus or joke?..

Hi ppl,… I am a basic user, … Download this file .rar (Screnshot Inborrable28_04_09_0), were allegedly images. Avast does not detect it as malicious to scan.
So I try to unzip it … but it did not work … So they try to remove it … I renamed the file (.Vir) then try to drag the Bauls (Screnshot Inborrable28_04_09_1) … also unsuccessful. Then try
deleting it with File Wiper WinOptimizer 5 (Screnshot Inborrable28_04_09_2) :-\

I try to take seriously anything that may be malware or a virus. Please help me on how I proceed correctly.

Screanshots (88.46kb) + Mları.vir (10.58MB):

Hi TéConMasitas,

Did you upload it to Else can you give us the report on it, and then if it is flagged there, can you upload it to avast for inspection,

Con Dios,


Please stick to the one topic for this problem, I answered your first one in the correct Viruses and Worms forum, also suggesting you use VT and provided a link. All this does is duplicate effort by those trying to help.

Thanks Polonus … But I do not know how to configure SMTP for upload. Use the version of Avast Home. I got the file to mediafire, so someone help me solve this little problem. thanks
PD: I speak Spanish also, and I have a little English to translate. thanks again.

David thank you very much … Sorry :-[, … I posted the wrong link. Thank you very much for your help. :slight_smile:

You don’t have to visit the link I gave in my other reply and you upload it via HTTP using your browser…

I have dial-up so can’t consider downloading a .rar that large and then do an upload. There is a file size limit on VT (10 MB I believe). Now I doubt that the whole .rar file in infected/suspect so if you can identify the file within it, that would be smaller.

You show an image in the Infected Files section of the Chest, so I guess your comment about SMTP relates to email to Alwil software. Send it from the User Files (or Infected Files) section of the chest, wherever it is that you have it (select the file, right click, email to Alwil Software).

It will be uploaded (not actually emailed) to avast when the next avast auto (or manual) update is done.