I have Avast 4.8 Professional, and Windows XP Professional 2003, so my computer’s old. Also, I’ve not done a re-install of my o.s. software and am trying to avoid doing that.
Anyway, here’s the problem.
I went into safe mode on my o.s. system, and ran Avast on my o.s. system.
It found a couple infections.
When it found the first, it instructed me to “Move” it to the virus chest, but when I tried, I was told that there was no access to the virus chest in red letters, plus that I did not have something called RPC, which I believe is resident protection (I called categorized my system and Avast program as a small business system, but basically, I have a home p.c.). Does categorizing my system and anti-virus program keep me from having resident protection?
I tried to get around the failure to be able to “Move” to the virus chest by clicking on “Repair,” and for the first infection, it seemed to work, because I didn’t get the problem again.
But with the second infection, apparently the Trojan Horse Worm 32, which I believe I’ve had for awhile, tried several times to get rid of, but which seems to come back, I repeatedly tried to “Move” to the virus chest, but, then, when I couldn’t, I was worried about hitting “Repair,” because I didn’t know if I should. So I hit “Continue,” and finished the scan.
Should I go back into “Safe” mode and re-run my Avast program again, and this time simply click on “Repair” if the infection comes up again, or should I stay in “Regular” mode and re-run my Avast program, or, finally, is there some way I can have simultaneously “RPC” and “Small business” categorization so when I’m instructed in “Safe” mode to “Move to Chest,” I don’t get the message that there is no virus chest accessible, and that I have no RPC?
Or am I simply talking through my hat? ???
Many, many, many thanks ahead of time for anyone who can help me.