Virus Recovery Database

Just loaded the program, even ran my first scan.

However, the menu, or whatever you call the thing, says:

 "Virus Recovery Database - Not done yet"

What does that mean? I managed to find the VRDB on the “help” menu. It said I could change the settings of the VRDB by right clicking.


When I right-clicked, I didn’t find anything that said VRDB, or anything remotely resembling it.

Getting frustrated, I chose “settings” but I didn’t see any VRDB there either.

Could really use some help here! Thanks in advance.

What is your OS ?
Do you see an 'i icon on the system tray ?
If so right click that and click Generate Now, this will take a little time first time out.
If not are the two avast icons merged you should see something like my image.

There are other options as to how you would like it to be run in the future.