Virus restored from Chest.. now what?

I restored it (An application) so I could check it on VirusTotal

Turns out it definitely is a virus

I put it back in the chest. For those few seconds it was restored and festering in my downloads folder, could it kill my computer?

Not if you did not run the file…

Do you have a link to the scan result? Post it here

Why are you downloading illegal activation software anyway?

Yepp…that is one program you should stay away from

When those nice guys give away free / Cracked programs they always bundled it with some extra program that they dont tell you about :wink:

If you ran it, you have a Keylogger installed on your system.

Not necessarily - or wouldn’t avast alert again and send it back to the chest.

But one thing for sure treat all detections as if they are correct until confirmed otherwise.

If this was a detection of a file that was on your computer prior to installing Avast,
then you definitely have an infection on your hands. If you download the file and Avast blocked it when
you attempted to run it, then you should be safe.

Hi theinvisiblemaze,

Just like bob3160 says. Did you have this crack activator running before avast then you indeed might have a keylogger problem,.
Whenever it was not allowed to run by avast from the word go - that is upon download, you might have come off of it scarefree.
With this kind of code I cannot see why a user wanted to take second chances and release it from the chest and so from avast’s prison to have some instance tell you it might not be such malware as first found? :o
You should put more trust in your residential av solution as it is trying to keep your glorious behind safe!


Most likely hoping to use the key generator. :slight_smile: Which is never a good idea and highly illegal.