Virus scan log files

During the whole spectacle of false positives this morning I accidently deleted 500 or so files from my virus scan instead of just pushing to chest.

I have now found a Data Recovery Tool, but cant see dates or time. I am wondering then, if its possible to get a virus scan log file from my program containing the file names that Avast flagged as malware? Then I would be able to cross check file names on the Data Recovery Tool.

The scan doesnt show up in the “Reports” → “Virus Scan Reports” tab. It only shows 3 interrupted scans that I did after the actual Full System Scan, where I deleted files.
I was trying to see, if there was still “viruses”, while reading up on the forums.

Any Avast savvy people with suggestions?

Open the avast log file(s) in a text editor.

Where are the virus scan log files located on a mac? I’ve looked everywhere, but can’t find them.
Nothing in either of the /Library/Application Support/Avast folders (system and user).

imo, the location won’t help you as the scan log files are in a proprietary format == you wan’t be able to read it.