Virus Scan of C drive

I have had Avast! running on my new PC its whole life, about two months. All seems well. Can I run a scan of my C drive using Avast! while the Avast! 24/7 software is running?

If you are asking whether you can run a scan of your C: drive while avast!'s resident protection is active, then yes, sure.

Do you mean run an AV scan with another AV scanner ?

Do you mean an avast on-demand scan, that you initiate or something else ?

If so, right click the avast icon, select Start avast! Antivirus, there will be a memory scan first when this is complete the Simple User Interface will be displayed. Here you can select Local Drives (all hard disks), Folder Selection (limited folder or partitions 'c:'), don’t select this in conjunction with the Local drives as will duplicate the scan or Removable Media (CD, DVD, Floppy, etc.).

Thanks for your help. It was easy as pie.

Your welcome.