Virus scan progress popup..

v4 HOME.

The yellow popup window that accompanies analysis of incoming email.

This Popup jumps left and right as it scrolls up and is ‘impossible’ to read or track. Is this normal or just me ? Is it just the HOME version ? Is there a suggestion registered for it’s improvement ?

What you are seeing is normal. It is just showing what is being scanned and is not intended to stay up on the screen when done scanning incoming mail.

Wht are you talking about, exactly? Can you post a scren shot?

Is it the option “Show detailed info” in Internet Mail provider’s settings?
(accessible by clicking the blue ball tray icon, choosing Details >> and double clicking the Internet Mail icon on the left)


But it is useful to scan email that is being erased on the server and also email that is being shunted into SPAM folders… IF it didn’t jerk around so much that is ::slight_smile:

I took the liberty of emailing it to you just now - apols if that is inappropriate.

Is it the option "Show detailed info" in Internet Mail provider's settings? (accessible by clicking the blue ball tray icon, choosing Details >> and double clicking the Internet Mail icon on the left)

I believe so.



Yes, it’s the option. Just disable it and you’ll be all set…
I have no idea how it got activated on your machine, though – it’s disabled by default… ???

Vlk - I really appreciate you time - but I think you missed what I was saying.

I LIKE the function …and actually switched it on purposely. I like to monitor what email is being scanned as I can monitor email being erased by the SPAM trap on my server and SPAM being shunted into the spam folder.

The problem is the way it jumps left and right as it scrolls up and I wondereed if there were any plans/suggestions to make it more readable as it scrolls… ?

Strange… it looks pefectly readable here, and scrolls smoothly.

Maybe the line is too long to fit your screen?