virus shown

yesterday my avast shown 23 virus infected files and i do not know from where they came. i scan my pc everyday so how is it possible that virus are hidden in somewhere place in my pc and they caught by avast yesterday.

i also have my web shield on, then also i do not know how avast shown virus. as avast shown virus i simply deleted them.

wat happens if i click on false positive when i see virus list.? wat is the use of it?

A bit more investigation of the reported files is strongly indicated, especially before just deleting them. Deletion is never a good first option. Moving to the quarantine is far preferable; if it turns out it was a false positive it can later be restored.

Do you still have the original file names and paths? Without that, and preferably the actual files, it will be impossible to determine.

wat happens if i move virus in quarantine?

i deleted then at 1st time. it was infected under win32 in c drive.

so does my files of win32 has been deleted? because i deleted s files from avast.

i think thats why my pc showing error when i switch on my pc.

check this screen shot for error.

Clean, Quarantine, or Delete?

i just read that. and it says it deletes my file also.

i got 1 more virus now. its name is x win32:rootkit-gen[Rtk]

it is under c drive. in windows/system32

wat i do now.

i still confuse in this problem.

It sounds like you have a possibly serious infection, but it’s difficult to know what.
What was the actual file name of the infected file in the system 32 folder?

Do you have any other names for the actual viruses from previous scans?
Try a boot-time scan with Avast. Do not delete anything.
Anything that is in the chest can stay there. It is a protected area where malware can do no harm.

I see you are also posting slightly different information/questions about this problem here.
It’s a bad idea to open more than one thread concerning the same problem, it will just confuse the volunteers who are trying to help.