How do I shut off the annoying " Avast Virus software hase been updated." I see the icon pop up to alert me of an update and that’s’ plenty.
that voice is annoying as heck.
Also, is there a way top delay updates? as soon as I boot up my machine, Avast updates and makes my WIn7 very sluggish for a moment until update complete.
Delay Auto Update - In avast8 you need to edit (using notepad) avast5.ini the [InetWD] section of the, C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\avast5.ini. Win7, Vista location, this folder may be hidden, you will also have to run notepad.exe as administrator to prevent UAC intervention.
Broadband connections, add this line: AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=120 and AssumeAlwaysConnected=1 if not present (or edit AssumeAlwaysConnected=0 to AssumeAlwaysConnected=1)