Virus Submit System


As many of you know this many posts on this forum ask why do the virus samples take so long to get added to the definition. As Vlk told us the virus submitting process needs to be improved, could you share some of your thoughts on how it could be improved ?



Like this:

Or this one:
P.s. This one is realy fast. ::slight_smile:

Yes those look great ;D
However I must say that that is only for submiting one file :o
I have often reported 10 viruses at the time so filling out 10 times this form :stuck_out_tongue:
But what I also meant in that question was how to prioritize the files.
One idea that crossed my mind would be scanning all the files that are received at virus @ avast (dot) com with an other AV and if the file is infected than put it with a High priority otherwise leave it at normal.

Hope this Helps


For a lot of files, you can send them through ftp. Also, in that ewido link I gave, I think you can also send many viruses together in a zip file. For virus priority (really, is there such a thing? If you are infected with a virus, YOUR virus is the biggest priority for you) you can write about it in the “comments” field.

Whilst the submission method could do with an upgrade and avast have said in the forums that it is something they are working on, but in the meantime we have to work with what we have.

Personally I think submission from the chest is the method that seems to get the highest priority, although they also go to the same email address they are filtered. Unfortunately this isn’t the easiest thing in the world to achieve, you have to Add it to the User Files section, if this could be simplified by a right click ‘send to chest (User Files)’ option.

Then the SMTP section in the Program Settings has to have been set-up prior to doing this, I can’t recall if this wasn’t done during installation process, if not, it is just something else to get in the way. The suggestion previously in the wish-list (I think) to allow for the sending of multiple samples from the chest would greatly improve the experience.

Not necessarely
Quite often viruses I find viruses I wish they would be added to the definition but I don’t consider it as the most important definition.



New virus submission system is in the works. No further info or deadlines will be posted now.

That’s good to hear :wink:

No further info or deadlines will be posted now.
That sounds as though it will still be a while till we'll be able to use these new features. :'(

Yes it does sound like it won’t be ready until a while >:(
Every day Malware writers are finding new ways to penetrate our computer, while the AV’s aren’t going anywhere close to that in levels of protection and reaction.
The time has come for the revolution to beging…


i’m waiting on it for 2 years :stuck_out_tongue: but i understood other priorities (like compatibility with Vista or new v5) are more important …

To my mind there is no need in submittig viruses.

Would you care to expand ?

Submitting samples is one way to speed the process of adding undetected samples to the VPS without samples avast can’t formulate or modify existing signatures and also helps other avast users.

avast! needs samples of undetected malware on a user system if there was no submission system at all it would leave the user little option but to look to other AV programs. The submission process I’m sure isn’t avasts only means of building its signature database but I feel it contributes to it and I feel is very useful.