This is going to end up sounding very paranoid, but I have been unable to access a couple of news sources for the last 24 hours plus. The paranoia is based on the fact that these two sites probably have more traffic than all the other “anti big government” sites out there combined. http://www.drudgereport.com
I contacted a friend and he had no problems with the sites, which leads me to my question:
Are there viruses which block specific URLs? I seem to have no problem with the rest of the sites I have bookmarked.
Malware can block certain sites, but I high;y doubt they would be interested in these unless it was for ransom. I too have no problem in accessing those sites.
The common targets security sites and windows update, etc. to stop the user having easy access to tools that may well defeat them.
– HOSTS file redirect a common malware tactic to block AV sites making it difficult to remove malware - check your HOSTS file using notepad or a text editor of your choice, C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts or do a search for HOSTS to find it if not there.