Avast clean up premium does not catch it nor avast anti-virus. I have to restart several times.
It shuts down what I am watching and freezes the desktop.
Please follow the instructions and post your logs files. We need Run MBAM first, then FRST. https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=194892.0
What kind of computer is this? Desktop or Laptop? Age of Computer?
I’d be curious to see what your temperatures are like (HWInfo or Speccy will check for you). Install Speccy. Have a video running on one side of the screen, speccy on the other. When the system nears it’s shutdown period, keep an eye on the temperature of your CPU and GPU. This sounds more like overheating hardware and not a virus/malware problem.
It is unnatural for malware to want to continuously shut down a computer. It wouldn’t get them anything, aside from maybe a reformat
its a desktop veriton; malewaregytes had 158 to clean
Please post the FRST MBAM log.
Edit: Expert has been notified
You have installed both Avast and ZoneAlarm Free Firewall installed. ZoneAlarm Free Firewall also have antivirus which uses Kaspersky engine. But first, please post temperatures reported by HWInfo.
Can’t find MBAM log. Does not export. Yesterday it has 158 pups and I eliminated them, re-downloaded MBAM log
to desk-top and does not export…
lp.pcbooster.online could not be found.
Malwarebytes UserGuide >> See reports >> https://www.malwarebytes.com/support/guides/mb/
Expanding on Sass Drake’s and my comment [regarding HWInfo]. Please bear in mind that Sass Drake is you’re primary helper.
Please download HWInfo64. (“HWInfo64” is a clickable link)
Follow the prompts for install.
You can find a list of instructions (with pictures) to follow @ https://imgur.com/a/9EGRm
Pictures are designed to show what to click. When a box appears asking what you want to run, just hit “run”. No need to uncheck or check anything.
Please attach a picture of “CPU [#0]: Intel Pentium G640: DTS” and all of the contents under it.
MBAM log with the 158 cleaned, and today’s log
See these instructions. If you have any questions regarding these instructions; Sass Drake will be more the happy to answer them!
Please attach a picture of “CPU [#0]: Intel Pentium G640: DTS” and all of the contents under it.
Never did this before. How do I make/attach a picture of CPU?
It’s a program that displays the temperature of your CPU.
I have uploaded pictures f what to click here.
You can find HWInfo here: https://www.hwinfo.com/
You take pcitures using a program called “snipping tool”. Attach the to the post the same way you did with the log files.
re HWInfo64;
it opened and the pages with the results disappeared while I got ready for the snipping tool which I found on my Windows 10.
I re-downloaded HWInfo64 and I tried to over-write and it does not let me.
I do not know how to get to the results.
OK, so using your Search menu (Cortana, just to the right of your Windows Icon button left of your screen) search HWiNFO64. Click on that option.
Then, it’ll bring up the Sensor-Only & Summary Only options. Check “SENSOR-ONLY”. Scroll down to the CPU [#0]: Intel Pentium G620: DTS
Then, on your keyboard hit the key combination “Windows Button” and “PrtScn”, followed by just PrtScn.
Then, open Paint, and paste the picture using Control + V.
Save the picture, and upload it.
snipping worked but I do not have all of it
How do I do this in one?
Was that just with Hwinfo open or were you doing other stuff?
I will let Sass Drake know you’ve posted pics.
I had open what I needed to do the pictures. I thought I can do it in one picture via snipping tool.
Uninstall ZoneAlarm Free Firewall.
ZoneAlarm and Free Firewall.