Virus Total URL's Posted Here seem to get broken

Has anyone else noticed this? Copying and pasting the link for a virus total scan seems to get broken later, and brings up the home page only, sometime after the link is posted.

I have had this problem on a current thread and also see it on other member’s posts as well.

Just wondering if it is only me or is it everyone?

I’ve noticed it. I wonder why this happens, as my VT links don’t appear to ‘break’.

happens often…the best is to also post the MD5 as then we can do a search at VT

With long URLs like those of VT you really need to use the URL tag in the forum options.

See example

I haven’t had any break when using the URL tag.

Well there are cases when the VT scan cannot be run. For instance if one of the the avast shields is blocking connection to a particular site. In such cases the VT url scan could come up with an error. For similar results the avast shields can beat a certain DrWeb url scan to finalize. Checking the search result page in google (without clicking the actual search results for the URL) will give you a likely reason for such behaviour, because such malware sites could also be blocked by BitDefender’s TrafficLight, WOT, M86 security browsing or Google Safebrowsing etc. And these red alerts can also be read next to the results on the Google search result page. Also trying to visit the blocked site with the malzilla browser or a dscription with parts of active code represented or viewing the results of a bad iFrame scan result or visiting a malware page via a proxy could trigger the avast shield to disconnect when malcode is found. In general our users should be very, very grateful for that profound shield protection. It will provide you with another near escape, my friends,


Hi DavidR,

How to post using URL Tag?

Edit: Nevermind, I now see the .png.

Yes, a picture is much easier to explain ;D

It could be that the link is posted incorrectly. Something as simple as missing one character from the end of the URL will cause it to redirect to the virustotal homepage.

see the VT links i posted here

in reply nr #2 and #10 they worked when i posted… but not anymore ??? they worked when i posted… but not anymore

Happens way more frequently now. :-\

Does anyone know what happens to the links? Does VT change the link addresses to suit needs every so often?

Hi Donovansrb10,

This is disturbing, because normally for existing VT scans given at malware domain pages, a click on the link would open the results at VT, no sweat. Now even entering locally at VT or through their searchfunction does not lead anywhere.
Maybe this is the reason? Re: source author Peter Selinger’s of Dalhousie University.
Or we have to look it up here, example of search query here:
Or they might still be to be found via this service:


Hi folks,

Checked it and the older VT results are just launched fine. More recent scan results are not returned for whatever odd reason that might be???
