Virus Update History

Because this Avast page that should work is not working for all users to know about antivirus update information, does anyone know why it is not working?

Can anyone tell me about what I asked?

Can anyone tell me about the topic and answer?

Looks like the link 404’s now. What is the purpose of that link?

When I made this topic on 24/2 / 2024, I was opening the page, only the button worked.
After I went to see after your comment that Avast removed this page without informing.
more before opened normally now without working right

But what is the purpose of the page when it is working?

When it was working it should be a page that would show the historic of all threats of virus.

Virus update history

I asked Avast and got this answer:

Hello Peter,

I would like to follow up - I have reported the webpage in question and it seems that this is an old webpage that was not updated for a long time. The team decided to remove the page.

Thank you once again for reporting this!

Avast team appreciates your help!

I have also asked if a new page is coming, but no answer yet

Ok, so it’s a list of most recent viruses and threats that Avast has logged and added to the database, and when they were found and added?

List of when the signatures was released.

Thank you for reporting Avast about it.