when my virus database updates then it do not shows any pop up window and no sound.why this happening?
when my virus database updates then it do not shows any pop up window and no sound.why this happening?
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It has been explained that avast removed the pop-ups and sound a lot of times already.
if avast removed popups and sounds then why there is option to tick mark in sounds tab and there is ticked mark on automatic update.
if avast has removed this option to pop up and sound when virus definitions is updated then that option should also remove.because its of no use. i like that sound and pop up so i want to enable it
There are other popups and sounds … Like threat detected.
Leaving the auto update notification options was an error it too should have been removed.
That said there are many, many users who feel this should never have been removed - a little like a security blanket - and something unique to avast.
There are even some at avast that aren’t convinced it should have been removed. So we may even see it back ;D
There are many of us “counting” on seeing that iconic feature back soooooon. 8)
i may be wrong, but guessing VPS updates will be gone in future versions, meaning only stream updates evry 5-15 minutes like Norton have done
that would mean a ton of popups evry day, some may consider that popup spam
That would require a major rework of how streaming updates are maintained. The streaming updates would grow so as to be a huge burden. VPS updates incorporate the past streaming updates, and the streaming updates are then deleted. Previously, the VPS update popup was only shown at most a few times per day. That is all that most people want to return to. No one has said anything about having a popup for each streaming update.
Thanks Pondus, I get that,
however there is no doubt a way to incorporate the 'iconic voice" announcement, that all is updated/up to date>
In any case, I happen to be one that does miss the voice in 2015.
However, given the version I’m running, its all good.
In any case, I happen to be one that does miss the voice in 2015.yepp everyone has its own taste, i like it totally silent and popup free .... unless it detect something
Yah fair enough. I think that’s why there was/is an “option” to not have the announcement; for those who like it quiet.
No one has even mentioned that streaming updates should have a notification and certainly not avast - that would be absolutely bonkers. People, avast users are asking for the old VPS update notifications to remain as they were.
That status quo would mean that users can switch it of if they don’t want it - so both sides are catered for.
No one has even mentioned that streaming updates should have a notification and certainly not avastwhat i mean to say is that [b]IF[/b] avast is moving in that direction (stream only) then there will be no more popup/sound .... and maybe that is why they have done it, to prepare us for what is comming?
I tend not to speculate on what avast are likely to do or not.
As I have already mentioned if we aren’t getting the regular VPS update, then people don’t know if the streaming updates are working either, without having to check manually and doing that is hardly a one click option. I have that as a Rocket Dock shortcut to the Defs folder - but should we have to get creative to find out.
i like the voice of avast that says when automatic update is done.it lets me know that my avast running fine and lets me know that database is updated. but now i have to see every day when i connect to internet that avast is updated today?
avast popup and that sound when virus database updated is so good and attractive voice so i like to enable it but i hope it will come back.
i do not know why avast removed it. even there is an option to disable it. if some peeps do not like it then they can simply disable it.
i like the voice of avast that says when automatic update is done.it lets me know that my avast running fine and lets me know that database is updated. but now i have to see every day when i connect to internet that avast is updated today?No you dont, like other AV that dont have update popup/sound .... there will be a popup if something is wrong
That is an astute and proper observation. Well said.
It’s been going on for a month now.
What does it say about the prowess and discipline of an engineering organization when they either
One of the avast team has already said it was removed in yet another topic related to this , but leaving the UI options was an omission.
There was also a topic in Wilders about the removal of the auto update notification and that was also confirmed by a senior avast team member. There was also a comment about if its removal was a good idea or not.
Speculation isn’t helpful.
what is the forum link of that topic?i want to comment my opinion if it accepts the opinion for that update sound.
Sorry I haven’t got it copied anywhere it is from memory - to find it I would have to do a forum search just like you would.