Virus who changes my desktop icons.

I have a virus in my PC who changes desktop icons but Avast 4.8 and ESET online scanner didn’t find anything.I even repair install and the virus is still in my PC.Please help me.
ComboFix report is here
HijackThis report

jops -

When I tried to see those pictures at rapidshare, they are not viewable.

It would be better to copy and paste the reports here using multiple posts … or … you can post the report files here as attachments.

combofix part1.

combofix part2.

hijackthis log.

HighJackThis looks ok to me except this one …

O2 - BHO: (no name) - {2F364306-AA45-47B5-9F9D-39A8B94E7EF7} - (no file)

… but I am no expert.

Combofix will have to be looked at by someone else as I have no experience with it.

Hopefully, others will soon offer more help.

The Sun Java is down level and could expose your system to security risks.

Please read and follow directions:

Then run Secunia: Online Software Inspector to detect insecure applications on your system:

google on
flashget download manager

I dont have flashget since April.And then it was full of viruses.

you still have some of it
anybody else have problems with flashget or friends of flashget