Virus WIN32:Tenga and WIN32:Boxed J

I have virus WIN32:Tenga, WIN32:Boxed J and I don’t know what I do. :frowning: WHAT CAN I DO ?? (My English is broken, sorry :-[ )

P.S: jesli ktos mówi po Polsku to prosiłbym o odpowiedz co mam zrobic !!

What Operating System are you using (winXP, win98, win2000) ?
What was the infected file name, where was it found example (C:\windows\system32\ ?

What actions have you taken to try and resolve the problem (When detected by avast it gives you options, which did you chose) ?
The best option is to send it to the avast chest and investigate as you are doing.

I use Windows XP Home Edition -

My infect files :

C:\Documents and Settings\Standard\Moje Dokumenty
C:\System Volume Information_restore (numbers…)

And when I connect for Internet about 5-10 minutes i disconnet.

I only use option : quarantine - There I have list all infected files

I appreciate this is difficult for you using English but these are the locations, what are the file names that are infected ?

This one C:\System Volume Information\_restore (numbers....)
The c:\System Volume Information folder is a part of the system restore function and as such is protected by windows, the only way to clean infected _restore points is to disable system restore and reboot. This will clear ALL _restore points. Once you have disabled system restore, reboot, scan your PC again and if clear enable system restore. Win XP-ME - How to disable [url=][u][b]System Restore[/b][/u][/url]

If you sent the files to quarantine (avast chest) then the files can do no harm there, but withe the other problem of disconnection there may be other problems.

Since you have winXP, you could enable a boot time scan. Right click the avast icon, select Start avast! Antivirus, Menu, ‘Schedule boot-time scan…’

Hej Kondziu,

Tutaj znajdziesz informacje o tym wirusie:

Instaluj Toolbarcop ze linku
i sprawdz zy masz dobry BHO’s.



That’s very handy polonus, there is no Polish Translation on Alta Vista’s Babel Fish translations, that will make it a bit better for Kondziu PL.

Hi DavidR,

Sometimes I have to do it the other way round, when there is only a decent description of the virus through, and I have to translate the description from polish into english to help someone, this time it was the other way round.


It would be handy if alta vista would add Polish to its translations, we seem to have more Poles in the forums.