Virus Win32 trogen-gen(other)

Hi, This is my first time on this site, and before you say this subject has only recently been discussed, please read on.

I have been reading with interest recent discussions regarding this virus and SAS, and the fact that it has been treated as a false positive.
However, I have this virus in the following file:


It is not detected during realtime/boot scan, but was first detected yesterday, 26th. while doing a shutdown scan, firstly with SAS and then with Avast 4.8-1201 vps 080526-0.
On both scans the advise was to ‘move to chest’, this action failed with the warning " the chest server is not running. RPC communication failed, cannot process file.
Checked ‘chest’ which indicated “errors occured during removal”

Ran Avast cleaning tool which claimed to have deleted virus.

Today on startup Avast data base updated to 080527-0, realtime scan OK, but when Avast run again showed virus present.
Removed SAS from system, rebooted and tried again with same result.
‘chest’ shows the following;

Resume-action was completed with errors.
Errors report-program cannot use chest client(null)
description virus chest server is not running, RPC communication
Detailed information- program will try to load all chest files from the following
action was completed with errors.

Some guidence would be appreciated.
Will Avast have to be removed and new version reinstalled
thanks in advance.

The avast4\ folder is where avast unpacks archive files so that they can be scanned and the file name begins with unp (unpacked) with a numeric string, nnnnnnn and the .tmp file type, so this file unp107496586.tmp is one that avast unpacked from an archive.

They are normally cleaned up after the successful scan completes, so there must have been some interruption in the scan for it to remain. Unfortunately there is little hope of determining what that might have been.

If you look in the standard shield exclusions it doesn’t scan files in that folder and files beginning unp*.tmp

As you say you saw some topics about the SAS FP, but did you take the actions suggested, a) ensure you have the latest version of SAS and b) ensure you have the latest version of the avast VPS now at 080527-1, both of which would resolve the FP ?

There is nothing to stop you emptying temp folders.