
I ran a virus scan with avast which came back and said (virus found gift 724 in the file pav.sig) and (Virus found win32.kuang2 in imscan.dll) both of them are in dir windows\system\autoscan then the files, so i rescaned again and just scaned those two files they again came up with that virus found, so i ran a online virus scan at a few different places which every one came back with my system was clean no virus, i went back re ran avast and agains the same thing i have gift 724 and win32.kuang2, after looking some info up on google i seen the files imscan and pav are part of a online virus scan they put them on there so i was thinking maybe since its a online virus scans files that is being said to have a virus because of that but i would think another virus program would say the same thing so i downloaded a 30 day evl virus program to scan one more time it came backwith my system is clean but avast still says i have these viruses. do i or is it settting avast off because of the kind of file it is?

Use the Boardsearch and search for “Panda” and you will find several answers about Panda and other AV-Programms.:slight_smile:

I did do a search and i know the files that avast says are infected (with the two viruses i mentioned) are files from a online virus scan. What i want to know are they really infected as avast says or is there another reason they are comming back saying there is a virus.
and if there is a virus why is no other virus scan picking it up other then avast
i guess i might of explained what i was asking wrong

Sorry i do not mean a google search, use the search of this Board. You can find it next to the login button.

The files aren´t infected. Lets say Avast and some other AV-Firms(KAV and others) false alarm on some Pandafiles, because Panda does not encrypt their signatures enough

yeah i did a search and seen someone posted that question but i could not find a reply to it. I just think i figured it out i am deleting house call the online virus scan from my computer and i guess that should take care of it i was just worried that it was a virus but was wondering since it was in the online scan folder
Thank you i was kind of confused as to what to do with it

Maybe it isn´t a bad idea to use a second or third scanner from time to time, but make sure deleting these files from your HD after finish scanning.

Here are the Threads about Panda:;action=display;threadid=144;start=0