Viruses blocked within Statistics/Component status


‘Viruses blocked’ within Statistics/Component status says 124 viruses have been blocked within the last 30 days.

However, ‘Virus chest’ does not contain any items.

What viruses could have been blocked and where can I find the files that have been blocked?

Thanks in advance,

S.J. Westra

P.S. Norton Internet Security is running on my system as well. Could it be Avast! conflicts with Norton Internet Security?

It is not recommended to have multiple resident (on-access) anti-viruses installed on the same system.

So yes there is a high likelihood of conflict.

Given that you have a high number of detections, it is possible that avast is detecting Norton Virus signatures - but given there is insufficient information (file name, location and malware name, etc. it isn’t possible to say with any certainty.