Scanned computer this am after having boot trouble
scann detected three viruses: beyond.class, (openconnection-H)
blackbox.class (ClassLoader-9)
vb.class (Classloader-10)
Report said several java files could not be scanned because they were infected.
What to do now. virus files are in chest.
can I, an amateur, remove virused & repair damaged or corrupted files?
The files couldn’t be scanned because they were corrupted or infected???
It’s probably the files were corrupted and not infected, if they were corrupted and not scanned how could they be considered to be infected
The files are save in the Chest. The virus can’t do any harm to your system
Most probably these files would not be repairable. So you can try to see if all the things work fine with these files in the Chest and you don’t have any problems, you can safely delete these files from the Chest
Yep, I used the wrong word, the java files are corrupted.
i’ll work for a while with virus files in da chest, & see if everything works.
I gotta remember to scan moer often !
I forgot to mention that the theme about “corrupted files” is discussed many times here, so if you have some other questions about why avast! can’t scan the file, because it’s corrupted, just use the forum search option and you’ll get a lot of info
OK thaks, I’ll go have a look.
Some jar files have an old packing that avast! can’t unpack+scan.
Are you talking about *.jar files?
Some of them could be passworded and then avast! can’t scan (but this not means they’re infected).
Vlk asked for some files like these to test.
I’ve sent him three of them. I can’t find the link to that thread.
Maybe Vlk could post a link of it here…