
Hey i was just wondering that does anyone know this “virusheat”

It can access your computer by going to link which leads to vvv.virusheat.c0m

When you go to there i think it load some kind of downloader that installs program named virusheat to your comp…

Then the problems starts…

-If you go to internet it redirects you to multiple virus-sites and opens hundreds of popups.
-And right-down-corner of screen you can see how this program gives you false alarms and links you to these FAKE
viruscanners like “spysheriff”
-If you shutdown your computer the virus manages to restart it back on
-If you go to “remove or add program to your cmputer” place in your settings and find this virusheat.exe there and try to delete it
…Your computer will whudown…
-And if you keep your network cable plugeed or wireless connection on it will open your browser and do same things i told before :frowning:

Im just wondering does anyone else have had this or heard about this???

From a quick google of “Virus Heat” it would appear to be NOT a good idea.
Please alter the link so that it is not clickable!

Symantec Site Behavior VirusHeat is a misleading application that may give exaggerated reports of threats on the computer.

Virusheat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How To Remove Virusheat (removal InstructionsBbleeping Computer

Thats wh i wrote in c0m not com :wink:

This is realy nasty if you don`t know what to do 8)

Probably a good idea to remove or disable the link then ya think? ???

RogueRemover is a utility that can remove various rogue antispyware, antivirus and hard drive cleaning utilities. Rogue applications are applications that rather than remove spyware, provide false positives, distribute malware or spyware, advertise, or provide useless uninstallers. The main point is that rogue applications are useless and eat up system resources.

Check http://www.malwarebytes.org/rogueremover.php

Am i allowed to help other ppl wit their problems here?
or are you avast guys only allowed to?

Anybody can offer help here.

I HAD that virusheat before i didn`t really like it ;D

But now im quite good jsut few nasty viruses that i am trying to erase 8)