virusscan switch and gmail

Is there a switch on avast! home 4.6 to scan automatic the computer?

And avast! scant not me gmail account with mozilla thunderbird, How can I fix it? ???

Not in the Home (free) version, the scheduled scan is a function available in the Pro version.

HOWTO: Scheduled Automatic Scans avast! Home Version!

The major disadvantage with the task scheduler trick of using ashquick.exe is, it will scan every file of the hdd, partition, folder or file that you set it to scan; even those files not considered a potential threat, this can take a long time.

The Pro version gives a lot more flexibility and the scan would follow the settings and exclusions, etc. of the regular scan.

I prefer to do a manual scan with my regular weekly maintenance tasks.

Gmail uses SSL encrypted email which can’t be directy scanned, you need a third patry program to act as an interface.

Gmail and Avast Providers
Solution: Using GMail with Avast and a SPAM filter
Redirecting multiple SSL accounts
Stunnel now comes as an installer which installs Open SSL and Stunnel so now you just have to download the installer version from here

Thanks for the answer.

But i am using two accounts on thunderbird. How can avast! scan two E-mail accounts?

avast can and does scan multiple accounts, I’m using OE and have 6 accounts.

If you are thinking about reference to the default account it is just the same as your email client, it has a default account, not an only account.

Sorry I don’t use Thunderbird but there numerous threads about thunderbird and avast. Also a consideration is what OS you are using.


For Thunderbird, see;board=2;threadid=7913;start=0#msg64228
With Win95, Win98 or WinME you should have:
pop3 server= smtp server =
username = mail.server.coml#user or
smtp authentication enabled and the username there = mail.server.coml#user or

But I am using windows xp home edition.

Is there a topic about?

Is there a topic about? about what?

I have given you some links that should be relevant (in my previous posts) and you can use the forums search function, that is what I would have to do, I don’t use Thunderbird as I said, so I don’t have the information to hand.

Avast isn’t interested in how many mail accounts you have or whether you use Thunderbird, Eudora or Outlook Express as your mail client.

Avast works by intercepting the standard pop3 and smtp calls that all mail clients make to receive and send mail. It assumes that pop3 will make calls to a mail server on port 110 and smtp will make calls to a mail server on port 25.

If it does not use these ports (as Gmail does not) then it does not intercept it unless you set up third party software and let avast know you have done so by configuring the Internet Mail shield.