Vista-32 HangOnStartUp

This matter must be resolved before I upgrade to Professional Edition.

The attached condition has just recently been brought to my attention even though it has been occurring for a long time.

Is this a serious matter? If it is not then what are its full consequences and interpretation?

AWService? Am I reading correctly?
Is there anything into avast logs? (open avast Log Viewer).

A quick Google search for “AWService” found this:

Found the problem. AWService process was added by awserv.exe which was part of the Intel Desktop Utility program for Vista. When I turned the progrom off from the start menu and set the process to manual load my hang problem went away and the slow load of Vista improved. Hope this is useful to someone in the future.

Can you clarify why you think avast has a role to play here?

I am deeply chagrined: I confounded “ALWIL” witrh “AWServe”!!

I am sorry.

Thank you for the Intel Desktop Utility link; I thought that I fully uninstalled IDU from the startup menu (I see no evidence of it in the startup tab.) Perhaps it needs to be uninstalled completely.

Thanks again.

No need to be ashamed… asking is a good way to be helped, learn, fix :wink:

I wrote to Intel about their IDU – this is their response:

Thank you for contacting Intel(R) Technical Support.

Removing the Intel(R) Desktop Utilities from the Start-up menu does not quite help. Please, follow these steps, rather:

  1. Remove the Intel(R) Desktop Utilities from Add/Remove Programs and/or Programs and Features (under Windows* Vista*).

  2. Restart the system and go into BIOS by pressing during the boot process. Once in the BIOS setup utility, press to restore BIOS default settings. Reset any customized BIOS settings. Clear all DMI event logs, which are located in the Advanced/Event Log Configuration section of the BIOS Setup utility. Press to save the new settings and reboot the system.

  3. Once the operating system completes loading up, proceed reinstalling the Intel(R) Desktop Utilities; for this, please, refer to the following URL where the latest version is found:

I would’ve posted this in the Off-Topic subforum but it has been closed.