Maximizing program window removes transparency. Is there any way to enable it?
Maximizing program window removes transparency. Is there any way to enable it?
Not sure but you can run the troubleshoot
Chris Thomas,
Maybe the program wasn’t fully supported aero theme?
go to performance in advanced system settings, disable all visual effects, apply, and then reenable what you want. Could work… if it doesn’t try reinstalling your graphics drivers.
@ Logos
I tried your idea but not the solution
@ sg09
Hmm…My IE 8 is not installing the Microsoft ActiveX even after resetting IE
May be some serious problem here. Why don’t you report it to Microsoft.
Chris, I think the transparency is reduced in maximized windows. Am I wrong?
At least, non-maximized windows seems more transparent to me.
I can’t get rid of the “blur” effect. I’ve tried the registry trick posted in several forums of Internet, but no luck. My transparency is always “blur”.
Hi Chris. You may want to try out Vista Glazz
I think this is not a problem at all,…
In any maximized window, the transparency always fade away…when a window is not maximized, the transparency remains… try to restore ur window…
Heres a screenshot of my taskbar and a maximized mozilla firefox^^
(see attachment)
Chris you can view this
mathboyx215 is right…
@ Tech @ sg09 @math @Addict
I think this problem is normal for all Vista users
maximizing the window results in no transparency and restoring down results in transparency
I don’t know the idea behind it
Thanks for all your help
But this seems weird. I cannot enjoy my Mozilla Minefield transparency
Yah as said in my previous post, its just the work of windows…
I believe this covers all vista users…and probably win 7 too…
no, same in Vista like in Seven, you don’t lose Aero transparency when maximizing windows. There’s a problem in your setup, and you should ask there >>> http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/category/windowsvistaitpro
edit: forget it, I think I’m wrong for Vista, just visited a a few sites
I cannot see this Aero when I maximize this screen
When I maximise I get this screen
Look at this crap Microsoft trick with Vista
I edited my last post, I think I was wrong as I didn’t use Vista for ages, except on an old laptop that didn’t support aero at all. I did run Vista on a PC supporting aero but that’s a long time ago too, so I’m not sure anymore about the behavior…
… and I just found this:
ps:did you notice a change in the transparency behavior or was is always like that? why do you care now?
@ Logos
I started caring now because when I checked my Windows 7 I noticed that Minefield is displaying great and when I checked my Vista I thought this was a bug
Thanks to Mathboy
I am now downloading Vista Glazz
Thanks everyone for your help
Edited: changed not to now
Happy using Vista Glazz. I saw you were using Minefield. I was using Minefield too, while faced similar problem and your question stroked in my mind…
So does Vista Glazz show the transparency?
I would love to try it if it does…
Yep. I’ve used Vista glazz and it delivers what it promises. You can even get oth themes that give a more transparent look or a different interface than that of vista.
My problem is that it somehow gives more problems. I find it tends to mess with the smooth running of the visual part.
As an example.
With VISTA GLAZZ enabled:
-Draging an opera window in a circular motion leaves choped frames and residual images on the screen that fade away after a few seconds.
With VISTA GLAZZ disabled:
-Draging an opera window in a circular motion behaves normally.
Hope this answers your question.
yep it works…