Vista + Avast = Control Panel not responding

Have a new Dell 1545 Laptop (4Gb Ram; 32 bit OS) with Windows Vista Home Premium pre-installed. Laptop is 2 months old and when I re-booted Avast after installation there weren’t any infected files found. Downloaded and installed Avast Anti Virus (Avast Home Edition - Free 4.8.1335.90414) today.

Now Control Panel won’t show any options and keeps showing as ‘Not Responding’. Just shows the main panel but is all white where the icons should be!!! ???

Is there a cure or a simple solution to resolve this or is there some sort of incompatibility issue?

Note: this laptop came with a trial version of McAfee pre-installed which I’ve done nothing with. Should this have been un-installed first?? :-\

Yes it should have been uninstalled first as two AVs can conflict, even after an uninstall some remnants can be left behind.

Since you can’t use add remove programs:
McAfee has an uninstall tool that you could run to ensure any possible remnants are removed. Or

2007 version -

Also see - How do I uninstall SecurityCenter?

I installed Avast Pro 4.8.1335 on a brand new Dell Vostro 1510 laptop running Vista Ultimate SP2 with all current MS non optional updates. There was no AV trialware or any other AV on the laptop at all.

After the Avast install reboot the Vista control panel would not open correctly and froze up as “not responding”. The only option was to force close the control panel app or reboot.

I restored the hard disk back to factory and installed Avast Pro and all updates again. The same problem happened again with the control panel freezing up.

After some checking I discovered that if I stopped all Avast on-access protection the control panel would work again. When I restarted the on-access protection the control panel problem did not happen again until I rebooted the laptop. After a reboot the Avast Pro on-access protection needs to be stopped then restarted again before the control panel will work. The problem is very reproducible.

Seems there is some kind of initialisation problem when Avast Pro is installed under Vista.

I have the same computer with Vista Business. I can’t imagine what’s wrong with yours.
Maybe the firewall or any other security program that could interfere?
Does this happen with all folders or just Control Panel?

AFAIK just the control panel freezes up when Avast pro on-access protection is running - everything else appears ok. If I stop on-access protection or uninstall Avast the control panel works as it should.

Difficult to guess what’s wrong… isn’t there any other security program that could interfere? ???

Note: this laptop came with a trial version of McAfee pre-installed which I've done nothing with. Should this have been un-installed first?? Undecided

Have you followed up DavidR’s response to your question?

There was no AV trialware or any other AV software ever installed on my laptop. I posted under this topic because my issue with control panel was exactly the same as described by thunderfoot in the first post.

AFAIKS this issue with control panel not responding is a compatibilty problem between Vista Ultimate and Avast Pro

Sorry I thought that factory installed operating systems shipped with AV on Dells in Australia NZ.
Did you specifically ask for this not to be so.

I cant see why you restored a brand new computer back to factory so soon? You can search computer with main AV brandnames, start with Symantec and Norton, and TrendMicro to see if restore triggered anything underlying (not showing in running)

But best refer to Tech who has the same computer.

I selected the Dell option not to have any trialware installed and it was delivered with no AV or any other trialware - the restore was also clean.

I restored to factory because control panel was not working and I was not sure what had caused the problem. I am now sure that the control panel freeze started happening after I installed Avast Pro.

Sorry IanF, I thought it possible you might have had a custom build, but I didn’t see it as likely. I don’t really know that there is much I could do for you but Tech has the same model computer. Obviously with custom build there will be some differences.

Im afraid, everyone is too ready to blame avast first, but for some of us we don’t get these issues with avast. If an issue is evenly recognised across the board, then it is acknowledged. Usual thing though is infected computers and common problems. Yours might fall into common category yet, but afraid I have had little to do with Dell for a long time. But still your problem should not happen like you say.

I am a long, long time user of Avast and have nothing but praise for it, but I have encountered exactly the same problem of Control Panel freezing on three brand new Dell Studio 1737 laptops. It’s a very reproducable conflict and with Avast installed, Control Panel will freeze the first time it is run, regardless of whether that is just after booting up the laptop or whether it is run long after boot up. I am using Vista Home Premium on all the machines and if you force Control Panel to close then it will subsequently run without problems until the next time Vista is rebooted, when you have to go through the whole crazy procedure again

This error has nothing to do with the Dell software or its configuration. I can say that with absolute certainty because I formatted the drive on one of the laptops and reinstalled Vista clean from the installation CD (not a factory restore). With just Vista, the drivers and Avast installed the problem is again very reproducable

I am assuming that the conflict will be a control panel applet, probably related to one of the drivers, although I have no idea which one. If anyone has any ideas they will be much appreciated. I am really disappointed that I can’t use Avast on any of these machines and have had to resort to using a different AV

Hi dgillham

I can only repeat what has already been said - your problem should not happen like you say.
I do not see why you say conflict with control panel applet and then bring avast into problem rather than looking at conflict that also includes Windows configuration and Dell (as well as drivers, applets, AV and so on, and especially firewalls). What firewall setup are you using anyway? The way you reproduce a problem is proof of nothing at all but that you have a problem.

With just Vista, the drivers and Avast installed the problem is again very reproducable
You imply that problem is reproduced irrespective that you are running on Dell with software layer (Dell Studio 1737) on laptop model that has proved problem factor on basis of 3 out of 3 instances in your own tests. Taken to a universal environment, you can only say that the problem occurs almost exclusive to your 3 instances as apart from the measure of the AV market, where the rule is that this problem does not happen as an outcome of running avast with Vista on laptops, Dell or otherwise.

My experience with Dell - I presume they still assemble mostly using Intel chipsets / CPU in company with their proprietary software layer - does not attest to their product line interoperating with other market brands, except where Dell have made this possible, and nowdays, I would agree that they usually do. But you seem to suggest that avast specifically make changes to accommodate certain models of Dell laptop, fair enough as a topic of conversation, and as I say, warrants attention given common acknowledgement across the board.

Fair to say, however, there is no common acknowledgement of your problem across any internet forums.

The avast program is proven to run with Windows configuration on top of all the known market brands like Dell. Generally, without issues, avast being open-ended rather than closed shop. You cannot make a case here for avast being the exception that causes the problem. You need to take your problem to a more robust testing environment. Nonetheless I expect Alwil to make note of your queries, and keep aware that such problems have been posted to the forum.


Personally I would never use a Dell system as it is like the Symantec (Norton) of hardware systems.

A local PC system builder can make a system equal or better than a Dell system plus they provide support that have people that speak English as a first language and not have to deal with some person that can hardly understand English never mind respond in intelligible English sentences and paragraphs.

My new Windows 7 system was purchased from a local vendor that I can walk to in 10 minutes and they provide excellent support in English that I can understand.

My $0.02CDN contribution.

Hi mkis

You seem to have read a completely different version of what I wrote as your reply bears no relation to what I ACTUALLY said. What I said was that this was not a software conflict per se nor was it a hardware conflict per se. I suggested that it was possibly a control panel applet causing the problem, not Avast. You are, might I suggest, a little too defensive

Anyway, I have now tracked down the problem. It is, as I suggested, a control panel applet that is conflicting and it is the applet that monitors the WLAN connection for the Dell 1397 Wireless Mini card. At least, that is the root problem on my three systems, I clearly cannot say whether there are other possible conflicts on other systems

As a software engineer myself I was not suggesting that Avast be changed in the slightest, unless of course there was a proven bug. But I never suggested there might be one, only that there was a conflict. I was more interested in tracking down the cause and finding a solution. As to the need for “common acknowledgement across the board” I would suggest that is rather a silly comment. Dell systems are customisable so not every Dell will have this network card, or run the same control panel applet, nor run Avast software. When there is a problem, a reproducable one, I prefer to believe the evidence of my own eyes and work out a solution that might help others, which I have done. It would now be for IanWF to say whether he also has the 1397 wireless card in his laptop, which I suspect he does, and then we can solve his problem for him because the fix is extremely simple

Your words to me, as well as being frosty and making me feel unwelcome in this forum, also attempt to lecture me, incorrectly, on a subject that I know very well so please let me return the compliment. I said quite CLEARLY that I installed from a Vista CD and only installed drivers. There is no “Dell software layer” in such a scenario. There is, arguably, a driver manufacturer “software layer” which is in actual fact the problem, the applets that add OEM functionality and which are accessible through the Control Panel. To suggest, as you do, that Avast is “proven” to run without issues is ridiculous when clearly an issue has been identified that does not occur with either McAfee or AVG on the (relatively small) sample of machines I have personally tested. I do not know what the underlying issue is, or whether it lies with the Broadcom applet or with Avast, but a problem there is. From a commercial aspect it would make sense for Avast to try and replicate the problem themselves and the information I have given will enable them to do this, whereas your comments simply attempt to dismiss it as being no kind of problem at all. As a programmer I am well aware that API calls that are made incorrectly can cause conflicts and I recognise that as being a “possibility” in this case. If I were pushed I would tend to think that the problem is far more likely to lie with the Broadcom applet, but I cannot say that with 100% certainty. However, ignoring the problem or attempting to ridicule others simply because you don’t have the problem yourself or because it is not plastered across the internet is both rude and indefensible

Hi YoKenny

We all have our prefences but I can’t agree with yours

Laptops, at least in my country, are not readily available from system builders. I now own four Dell machines and I much prefer them. They do have a fair bit of junk installed on them, but far less than most other makes. It is very easy to format a hard drive, partition it, and then re-install the operating system correctly. After that I then install MY programs, not the ones Dell might want me to use. As a result, all my machines boot quickly and run fast because they are kept clean and lean

In this latest case, I got the laptop at a considerably discounted price and as part of a mobile broadband deal, which saves me a considerable amount of money over two years and with no capital outlay. I’d have been foolish to look elsewhere. As for the need for tech support to speak English, that really isn’t a problem for me as I don’t need tech support as a rule. I only need the occasional pointer to solve problems or the need to speak to Dell support about a warranty issue (only twice in three years, so that’s not too bad). I use email with Dell, anyway, as there is no heavy Mumbai accent on email, although I do agree they seem to speak a completely different language most of the time

Hi dgillham

Thank heavens you are still an avast supporter. :wink: You are right too, Dell do assemble a good make of computer that in every instance I have found is compatible with avast. And of course, not all Dells are the same across the board, but as I am by choice not a Dell user I have only little idea which bios manufacturer it was that they would at any particular time contrive to craft their mainly Intel chipset / CPU mainboard designs, and even less notion as to what technology they would procure to make up the wlan devices that connect to their integrated circuit composites, other than that all is sourced from outside the company and cleverly put together under the Dell brand. And the machines are nothing if not cleverly put together and balanced to produce an easy-accessible and well-priced alternative to the more expensive brands (like Toshiba and HP, for example).

However, I was tempted to follow up what specs you had provided - the Dell 1397 Wireless Mini card - when rarely do I do such things where Dell components are concerned.

In this case I would have thought maybe look into a network connections or internet options applet to find out more, but as problem was at Control Panel level, there are many other potential problem zones. The Dell ‘software layer’ relates to Dell OEM functionality amongst devices (that are predominantly not Dell) and the NTFS abstraction layer (Vista), and ordinarily you would not rule out the antivirus as a possible cause of conflict, due primarily to its early request for resources at boot up time. However, while possible, there are not sufficient volume of instances to suggest this as the likely scenario (your instances excluded of course). I would say always look first to Broadcom applet because API calls by avast to Vista are usual proven consistent at Control Panel level, though yes I do recall some issues, depending on what other software is running. But my time is limited to follow up each of such issues, especially when the query is being posted by someone who seems relatively knowledgeable about the relevant problem zones.

From a commercial aspect it would make sense for Avast to try and replicate the problem themselves and the information I have given will enable them to do this.
If Alwil team see a problem concerning aspects of any their market offerings, they will usual post queries in the forum themselves. They usual keep track.

Edit - since the post was first placed, the hyperlink above has shifted url destination point from a review of the 1397 network adaptor to a general page - so please disregard the link because it now has nothing to do with 1397 adaptor, as can be easily seen when the makeup of the hyperlink is compared with the destination url.

I suspect I always will be. It’s the best I’ve found in 42 years of computing

this case I would have thought maybe look into a network connections or internet options applet to find out more, but as problem was at Control Panel level, there are many other potential problem zones
I don't think it will be particularly complex finding a solution as the control panel freeze is not really a true freeze. It's better described as a very long pause. Left to its own devices it may go away of its own accord but whilst it's pausing it takes Windows Explorer with it (which is what it really is anyway)

The workaround is very simple. Unistall the WLAN utility and then point device manager to the actual drivers, which are usually unpacked in the C:\Dell\Drivers folder

The control panel utility is not required as it only duplicates the functionality already in Vista but that, of course, is the whole issue that surrounds this crazy method of installing OEM drivers. It’s not an exclusively Dell problem that manufacturers want to install their own software helpers that end up conflicting with what Windows already does, and usually does well. Of course, from their point of view I suppose it is Microsoft interfering with their software, not the other way around. It ultimately depends on whether you are a Microsoft fan or a fan of competition, but I don’t want to get involved in that argument :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the conflict between Avast and Broadcom is likely to be subtle rather than major, but it is an irritation and one that might well cause some major anxieties in end users. I’m simply glad i found the answer quite quickly and now have Avast running sweetly

Hi dgillham.

Good to see avast running okay because AV is such a priority issue. Also, while control panel conflict may be minor, any irritation can be a pain when Windows is involved. Often these kinds of issues get blamed first on avast, but I have found unless the AV is doing something wrong, or is not up to date, etc… then best leave AV be and look elsewhere. With your query, my gut feeling would say an issue between Broadcom and Windows. But this is not to rule out avast. Perhaps Broadcom and AV shields cramping each other (doesn’t happen often).

I guess you’ve tested driver changes - with Dell, drivers issues are not as common with Dell as people make out, there is usual one right one and that’s it. Where I have people whose PCs are too old to warrant fixing, I usual recommend they instead go for Dell standard deal which is most times the best value for price on the market, and comes with after-sales warranty. On their own terms, Dell PCs are surprisingly well-balanced. For a tech, though, a Dell can be a law unto itself, no matter how good that law may be. But I’ve never found them to have first instance issues with avast.

Perhaps sequencing when doing the setups is the problem. When you load, check out what should be set first, second, third, etc… in which case I think look at where Broadcom clicks in, as this wlan device is carrying your gateway and Windows has often struggled a bit with web / desktop and active directories. Sorry I cannot suggest a best sequence for loading up because I’m not there. If all else is running okay, then perhaps wait for options over time by computer (error / solution) or internet (search / find).

While I cannot rule out avast completely, I find that I spend very little of my time on AV problems, and virtually all my time fixing up other things to do with the general running of the computer.

Yes, three different versions. The results are the same in that the drivers seem to have no conflicts themselves but in each case the control panel utility conflicts and the problem goes away if the drivers are installed manually rather than using the OEM setup

Perhaps sequencing when doing the setups is the problem

It doesn’t appear to be, as far as I can tell. I tried Avast installed onto the factory installed Windows, onto a fresh Vista install using the Dell “recommended” driver sequence and then again on a fresh install using “my” sequence. Not conclusive on a small sample of installs like this but the result was the same in all three installs, suggesting sequence is not the issue

I simply think control panel is waiting for something to happen. Maybe the WLAN applet is doing something unusual and is causing Avast to prevent it running. An earlier version of the same card (the 1395) does not have the same issue on a Dell Inspiron 1525 so it is presumably limited to the latest builds from Dell that are now using the 1397 card. That will still be a lot of machines world-wide though