Vista Live Mail and Avast?

I recently had an issue with the latest release of Avast and Outlook, which was taken care of promptly with help from the forum, thanks!

But now I want to update my other computer which is 32 bit Vista with Live Mail (or whatever it’s called).

Will I run into any problems like I did with Outlook? – It’s my “Better Half’s” computer and I will pay dearly if I don’t have it up and running in the blink of an eye…

Hi :wink:

I,m glad you solved your problem,yes Avast forum is Great :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: You can easily upgrade to live mail,live mail (Hotmail) is web-based email client,just like Gmail,Yahoo…all you have to do is “Create email profile” and that,s it. You can set up your email client (Outlook in you case) to recive emails from Live Mail (Hotmail)

Thank you


You can easily upgrade to live mail,live mail (Hotmail) is web-based email client,just like Gmail,Yahoo
there is also Live mail client ;)

Windows Live Mail

nr #3

OK, thanks :slight_smile: