Vista SP1 and self-defense module

Yesterday was released Vista SP1 in Portuguese language.
Trying to install the full setup (KB936330) I received the error 0x8007005 which seems to be ‘access denied’.
Disabling self-defense module I could update to SP1 without problem.
Is it an issue? ???

Just for side information:

Windows Vista SP1 File Removal Tool

Once you install your Windows Vista SP1 you will notice that a large portion of your hard disk is gone, irremediably occupied from the recent update. In fact, the amount of data installed is pretty big, and maybe some of you could even experience a reduced system performance (as usually happens after any Windows update). What many of you readers don’t know is that a large part of your computer memory is used by Vista SP1 to store its RTM files so, in case you want to roll back to the old RTM and uninstall the bunch of updates, you can do it with no problems. Let’s say that these RTM files contain all the information necessary to revert the whole system to its original state. If you are happy and content with the update, you may choose to get rid of this RTM that it is said to be as heavy as 800 MB. Vista SP1 contains inside itself a little tool called Vsp1cln.exe File Removal Tool that lets you remove all these unnecessary files.

To activate the tool follow this steps:

  1. Click Start
  2. Click All Programs
  3. Click Accessories
  4. Click and open Command Prompt
  5. Enter Vsp1cln.exe
  6. Press Yes
  7. Done!

Remember, once the procedure is over you will not be able to uninstall the SP1 anymore!
Info collected here:

Thanks Tech for this very usefull information!
