Vista Ultimate x86 SP2 - BSOD when loading - aswRvrt.sys -

Dear all,

General background is I have just replaced/upgraded my motherboard and CPU and have taken the care of injecting the new drivers (via Paragon P2P OS Adjust).
This generally does the trick (already did a handful of times) but this time it seems that Avast (?) is possibly causing the issue - BSOD when loading and hanging on aswRvrt.sys. I cannot seem to come to the log on screen be it in Safe Mode, etc.
Thing is I cannot even use a Vista Rescue/Recovery CD as my CD-ROM is too old (ATAPI/IDE !). Hence, can only use bootable USB stick.
I could access the OS SSD via Win7RescuePE and ran Farbar/FRST — please see below. My assumption (wild guess?) is that removing Avast would allow me to boot into Vista, which would allow me to install remaining drivers/updates that were not injected in the first place.

Please share your thoughts and please guide me to remove Avast.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Best regards,

Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:
Malware Removal Expert notified. Please be patient. Thanks

This will disable all Avast services/drivers

Download the attached fixlist,txt to the same location as FRST
Start FRST as before and press fix
On completion try a normal boot

Thanks for the prompt heads up, EssexBoy.

Did as instructed and Avast entries were successfully removed.
Did a standard/normal reboot but Vista hang (and BSOD occurred) after successfully loading ClassPnp.sys or CrcDisk.sys drivers.
Did a Safe Mode reboot and even a Last Known configuration reboot (irrelevant here as I changed MoBo and CPU) but not joy — same BSOD with same drivers loaded.

I ran a SFC/ scannow from a Windows PE environment and SFC reported corrupt drivers, some of which it was unable to fix.
Strangely enough I cannot seem to find any occurrence of “repair” (cannot repair/repairing/repaired) in the CBS.log file.
Please see attached CBS.log file for your consideration and analysis.

Would appreciate any insight on this and/or guidance as to further steps.
Thank you for your consideration and time.
Best regards,

It seems I am unable to post the CBS.log file…

Can you enter the bios and change the hard drive type to either sata or ide and then try a normal boot

Thanks for the heads up, EssexBoy.

In Bios, SATA mode was set to AHCI (BSOD occurs).
Changed to IDE mode, same story (BSOD occurs).
Have changed back to AHCI mode.

OK next trick, disconnect all internal drives except the one with windows on it

Thanks for the heads up, EssexBoy.
Did (and also disconnected GPU as the new MoBo has a graphics chipset) to no avail — BSOD occurs.

Hmm running out of ideas, I will have a rummage around. Do you need any specific drivers for your hard drive ?

Not that I can think of — this is a Corsair SSD Force 3, was recognised in the BIOS, in which AHCI Sata mode was enabled.

Any further step to take, EssexBoy? I am hopeful that we are not running out of options…
I genuinely appreciate your time and efforts.
Best regards, CaptnKillgore

Nope found nothing useful I was looking at chkdsk but that appears to be a no no for SSD due to the write cycles

I am afraid a re-install is on the cards unless you upgrade to windows 10

Thanks for the heads up, EssexBoy.
Would an upgrade to Win 10 preserve installed programs and settings (as I cannot run any transfer wizard)?

I believe so but I will need to look on TechNet to confirm that

If you wish to recover data from the Vista system then you could use OTLPE to back up the data to CD or USB

Just realized that I upgraded from a AMD MoBo to an Intel MoBo — given that drivers come with the MoBo I would have assumed that performing a P2P OS adjust would suffice… Could that explain the BSOD?
Would you have a reputable link to OTLPE?
Thanks and regards, CaptnKillgore

It may well do, I would always do a full re-install if the motherboard was changed, that hides so many variables

This is to burn the reatogo programme to a USB drive.
If you wish to burn to a CD then just download OTLPE and run it. It has a self contained copy of imgburn

Download Peazip to the desktop
Run and install the programme

Download the following files to the desktop … Right click the links and select save as…then select desktop



Right click OTLPE on your desktop and select …Open as archive

Select OTLPE standard

Click Extract, ensure that desktop is selected

Insert the USB stick Then run Rufus

Select the ISO file on the desktop via the ISO icon.

Press Start Burn

Once the USB has burnt then

[*]Reboot your system using the boot USB you just created.
Note : If you do not know how to set your computer to boot from USB follow the steps here
[]As the Programme needs to detect your hardware and load the operating system, I would recommend a nice cup of tea whilst it loads :slight_smile:
]Your system should now display a Reatogo desktop.

Thanks, EssexBoy — will have a try at it this week-end.
Best regards, CaptnKillgore
