vista update- trayapp.msi missing

Can anyone help with how I can fix my update? I have been on the web for 5 hours trying to find a way to fix the trayapp.msi . I did an update for windows vista and when I rebooted I have this nice window that tell me my trayapp.msi does no longer exist. I have looked for the file in the computer, done all kind of searches, I even did a restore to see if it would fix it… Nothing! I have found all sorts of sites that want me to pay to fix it… and I have searched HP’s site also. I don’t have any disk’s and programs were installed when computer was bought. I even did a update search again and looked to see if something didn’t load right.
Any thoughts??

Try this and see if it helps:

I was all over that page the other day. I dont have en external drive. And it doesnt give any other information to fix it.
If anyone else have any suggestions? please drop a note.

Do you have a HP printer? Which series and model? It looks like you can stop the error by re-installing (or uninstalling) the printer software.

I will try that. Thank you.

You’re welcome. I think you may have been hit with the same Windows Update bug regarding .netframework that I was (

Let us know how you get along. :slight_smile: