Just had My Dell Pc crash - blue screen - crash dump and now won’t boot in any mode - even safe.
Now i have read and followed the instructions from Essex boy and the Notepad .txt blurb all looks ok as does the PSA scan that I did that took all day yesterday.
I had a go at the restart from a previous point in time but the software wouldn’t let this run.
Could really do with some help now. Thanks for reading!
Do you have an FRST log ?
Hi, Having probs getting this reply to go, sorry for delay.
Yes I have the log.
FRST log attached, don’t know what to look for seems ok???
I have a Dell dignostics disk (original with PC) have run this on memory and hardware but no issues to fix.
Hope this helps. Many thanks.
OK initially I will roll back the system for a bit and see if that works
Download the attached fixlist.txt to the same location as FRST
Run FRST and press FIX
On completion try a normal reboot
Hi EB,
I have removed the HD and put in another Dell PC with same OS.
When I try to open I get ‘Access denied’ any ideas?
Yes you will get that as it does not have the same permissions as the other computer. You can take ownership of that drive though
Did the fixlist fail to produce a boot ?
Just trying to sort out ownership, have it on the drive but now it wants each folder and file. Must be a tick box somewhere…
Will get back soon, thanks for your support.