I can’t view the upper bar, where maximize, minimize and close buttons are, all is dark, the buttons are functional as usual but aren’t visible, as in the attached images:
I would like to ask you first for some information so we can help diagnose this problem properly.
How often does this problem occur? Is it permanent, or does it have to be triggered?
Do you know of any actions that do trigger this problem (showing a video across the entire screen, Switching monitors,etc)?
Could you please go to “secure://settings/diagnosticInfo” and posting a screen of that page?
That being said, If this problem is what I think it is, it could be temporally solved by following.
Hover your mouse between “new panel (+)” button and the missing buttons.
drag the browser window down a bit and then all the way up (resizing the screen)
I tryed the 2 steps to “temporally solve it” and just the 2nd acts: when dragging the window all the way up to resize it to full screen it shows for a bit (less than a second) just the top right corner with a part of the red X (close window) button visible, not all the bar and all the buttons, just 3/4 of the X’s one
Hi. I have sent information about your problem to further analysis. I am sorry, to inform you that I have no solution right now, but we are working on it.
Thanks for the answer again Jakub171!
Like Life’s Mistery… after more than a week of the issue, Now, the browser magically returned as usual to work fine
maybe it was a memory problem, it did the issue again for about 2 days, the sysem was up since some weeks with many tasks always opened and some applications that uses a lot of resources like as games (it was so also when it returned to work fine).
Now is on after a shut down and all works fine again
The issue is always the same, it’s as a black layer over the upper part of the browser , in the next images you can see that being with mouse over the minimize, maximize and close’s buttons the browser also visualize the ‘mouseover’ visual effects
the buttons goes right as always
it happened now after having the browser opened since an hour and during/after the use of excel (out of the browser) (I didin’t used excel the other times that the issues had come)
We have not been able to reproduce your problem yet.
To me it seems that its not black overlay, but some missing resources…
Could you please try to reinstall the browser and see if the issues persists?
Other ideas if it wont help:
I changed a windows scheme (right click on desktop → Personalize) and saw that the window appearance changed (See attachments). This means that the window is provided by Windows OS. This leads me to the idea, that the missing resource might be because some problem in yours OS. Can you run sfc /scannow command? (There is more info abut this tool: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/929833/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system). Or/and try different scheme then you are using now?
Share browser logs after this issue appears. The browser logs are not collected by default, but you can enable them:
[ol]- Run the browser from command line “C:\Program Files (x86)\CCleaner Browser\Application\CCleanerBrowser.exe” --enable-logging --v=2
Find log file: its file called safer_debug.log in C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\CCleaner Browser\User Data (beware the log file is overwritten with each browser run)[/ol]
Till now I’ve not yet reinstalled it cause I’m still working with it
In the meanwhile
the sfc scan has gone with the result that no integrity violation has been found
the system is up since some hours, a few hours ago it did the issue again, closing and opening AvgBrowser the issue was still on
Now (after a few hours working on pc with the browser closed) I’ve got it opened since more than an hour with many opened tabs and it’s going fine without the issue (so I’ll post the log when it will appear again, if it will appear… )
I’ve now changed the Windows’ theme to check it as You asked
Love is the answer
Well Thanks again, keep in touch, I’ll write when the issue will come again to post the log, or after some days of check, to tell that is going all fine definitively
It still happens too after the change of the Windows’ theme
As told yet sfc scan reports that all is ok
When launching the browser with logging on from command line it report this error and the launch of the browser goes fine (this also when the browser work fine without the issue)
the issue is still present and happens just with AVG Secure Browser.
Chrome and Firefox, like as Opera and Internet Explorer could stay opened for days going fine as usual, Avg is the only that after some minutes present the issue.
As told, I have uninstalled and reinstalled it too.